RPA - Welcome
The mission of the Rockton Police Association is to provide assistance to members facing unusual or extraordinary circumstances that negatively impact their lives, and to provide financial and other assistance to members of the Rockton Community at large.
- Board Of Directors - Members
- President - Nicole Helser
- Vice President - Michael Johnson
- Secretary/Treasurer - Kiza Davies
All DONATIONS and FUNDS raised by the RPA, and allowed by law, shall be distributed in the following manner:
- 50% shall be appropriated to the Member Relief Fund intended for the use of members of the RPA who are in distressed as defined and agreed upon by the Board of Directors.
- The remaining 50% shall be appropriated to the general fund for assignment and use during other activities outside of RPA members who are in distress. This includes, but is not limited to, JCM scholarships, donations, fundraising efforts, advertising, and any other activities deemed appropriate by a majority of the Board of Directors.
- Member dues shall not be distributed in the manner prescribed above and are intended for operational expenses only; however, upon conclusion of the fiscal year, the Board of Directors may vote to move any residual membership dues into either the Member Relief Fund or the general fund for use in accordance with the RPA bylaws and Illinois State Statute.
- The Board of Directors are not prohibited from utilizing funds from either the Member Relief Fund or the general fund during times of extraordinary emergency or need as defined by the Board of Director’s, provided that any monies used have been distributed in the manner prescribed above prior to their in an extraordinary emergency or need.
- Grants are exempt from this resolution, and shall be utilized in the manner required by the Grantor and prescribed within any grant applications.
- Donations whereby the donator requests the funds be placed in a specific account shall be exempted from this resolution and deposited in the manner requested at the time of the donation.
The Rockton Police Association is a 501(c)3 organization and your donation is tax deductible.
"In Service to our Members and Community"